1.5 year old EBF won't drink milk but drinks these only.. are they ok/healthy ?


She drinks about 1.5 at a time 3 times a day so up to 5 total. She drinks no milk except I've been trying to wean her and this is the only drink she'll take other then water. Are these healthy to give as often as I am? We are on our first week of trying these out and she loves them!

UPDATE!: Obviously if I were seeing her pediatrician anytime soon I would ask.. but her appointment isn't for another month. I'll check almond milk and see if that will work for us! Thanks! She is still Breastfeeding and eats lot of cheese and yogurt so she is still getting some dairy intake. I was just concerned about how much of the little milk drinks she was drinking and if they're at all healthy. They're probiotics so I assume so, just want some other parents input and if their kids drink these often too.