Decided to share my birth story to see if anyone else had anything like mine;) I worked Sunday ...

Decided to share my birth story to see if anyone else had anything like mine;) 
I worked Sunday august 20th from 3pm-1130pm and it was a great shift! We were full on my floor (I work at a level one trauma center in the trauma ICU) I had dinner and even indulged in two cupcakes around 11.
As I was driving home around 12:15 I was getting off the highway and my vision became extremely blurry and I got dizzy so I had to pull over. I sat for just a few minutes really scared and then decided I was ok to drive home. I got home and was still having blurred vision so I called the nurse line for my Doctor. She informed me I should go get checked out and I almost blew it off because I didn't want to waste my time or anybody else's! I had to have my husband come home from work and we got to the hospital around 2:00. I got up to L&D and changed and hooked up to the monitors. Right away they asked me if I could feel that I was contracting and I said "no". The Dr. came in and did an uktrasound because we knew the baby was frank breech but he wanted to be sure. Baby boy was still breech! He checked me and I was 1cm dilated and 70% effaced. That was around 3:00am. He told me he would be back to check me around 5:30 and if I progressed at all they would do the csection and if not I would be monitored for a few more hours. My husband was super nervous since we weren't really expecting for this to happen this early. I was 36 weeks 4 days along. The doctor came back in at 5:30 on the dot and checked me again. I was now 4cm dilated. I never once felt contractions although this was my first so what do I know;) At first I was super depressed about having a csection because I felt cheated. I wanted to know what contractions felt like and I wanted to feel the pain and feel like I went through something for this baby, but I soon excepted it as it was gonna happen weather I wanted it to or not. Everything happened pretty quick after I was checked. They got all the paperwork done and had me back in the OR by 6:30. I had a spinal done which they all said would be painful but again it didn't feel like much thankfully. My adrenaline must've really been going! Our beautiful baby boy was born at 7:05am and weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces. He was healthy and we were able to go home 3 days later! We're now adjusting to life with a newborn and while it's tiring I wouldn't change it for the world! I hope everyone enjoys reading and if you had something similar let me know! They never told me why my vision changed but it's something to look for in the future now!