Intimacy on hold over ring/proposal


So my husband and I dated for 10 years and I waited VERY patiently for a proposal. Never happened . We ended up eloping and just picked a ring the day before. I expressed how important that proposal was to me. To some it doesn't matter, I needed that speech and vulnerability from him. And, the ring was 1-2 sizes too small. Like left an indent on my finger and hurt to get off. He said he would resize it after we had our elope trip. This DAMN RING not fitting is cursing my love life and marriage. It's a constant reminder that he didn't propose. He's promised to resize it sooo many times. He knows it represents a lot to me. I NEED the gesture of him taking the time to fix the size and give it to me. We have been married 4 years, it has been too small to even wear for the past 2 years. It sits on my dresser in a little box and I obsessively check the box to see if he has taken it to resize it. I've spoken with him about it in tears MANY times. The past 2 months we have been distant and the stupid ring seems to be a constant reminder that he is not listening to me or caring that it hurts me. I literally don't want to even hug some days. He KNOWS that a lot of my frustration spawns from this ring issue. I just want to wear my damn ring and want him to get it fixed and give it to me in a sweet manner. I've spelled it out for him. I don't mean to but the issue has become so bad we haven't had sex in 2 months. I literally want to go sell it so I don't have to look at it anymore. At this point I don't think he will ever do it. I guess I just needed to I being cray?