Period sex???


To make it short: I've been with my boyfriend for a year and 10 months. We've had sex. He moved to Colorado in may ( I live in California ). So I haven't seen him in over 3 months. I'm going to go visit him for 5 days. I get there on the 1st of September( I'm so excited to see him ❤️❤️) the day I get there is the day I get my period. I'm kinda mad because ya'know 😏😂😂 but I'm kind of not because all that matters is that we are going to be together for 5 days. Anyways I've read that period sex is amazing for cramps and stuff but I'm kinda not feeling it lol like if you do that , girl you do you , go for it. But I'm kind of scared because my periods are horrible. Would it hurt more ?? Idk lol give me some of your opinions 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I'm from the UK and if you really don't want your period, go to your Doctors and tell them that you're "going on holiday" and you want to stop your period for a short time, they might be able to give you something to stop it for the days you are there :)


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have sex in the shower it helps because there's no mess to clean up, and it feels amazing!!