Trying to concive


Helou, my name is Sara and i trying to concive since January 2016.

I have 2 early miscarriages around 7 week.

In April 2017 i have operative histeroscopy and they removed my septum. And then nothing. I know it maybe early but we are almost year 2018 and still nothing. Im realy stresfull and my partner too.

First August we have our 10years anniversary and i realy want to suprise him with bfp but it was BFN😨

I have appointment with my gynecology and she give me Clomid 50mg 5-9. Two month like this and thrd month 2


I start first round on Wednesday.

Maybe some tips - is this time grom 5-9 day good?

When should i test for positive ovulation?

Sory if my english is not so good.😬

So baby dust to all☺️💕