A Bit Late on My Birth Story

Jazzy • mother to a wonderful August 2017 baby boy 💙💙👪👪

So I had went to an appointment that was at 40 weeks and 2 days. that was sort of frustrated that I hadn't dilated anymore. I noticed that I had gained 5 pounds within a week which I thought was kind of weird. so I went ahead and make my appointment for the 41 week mark. around 2:20 p.m. the same day I had made a status about how I think God was trying to teach me patience and that I can't wait to meet my baby boy. I said this because many people thought I was going to be before Monday day and which was August 2nd and here I was still sitting here at 40 weeks and 2 days. I have went to bed around 12:30 that night and it was very uncomfortable to sleep and I felt like I was sinking in my bed. I woke up at 1:30 I went to the restroom went back to sleep and at 2:20 exactly 12 hours from when I made my status my water broke and I shot up out of bed I frantically got my clothes changed. it was just like a rush of everything. had contractions about an hour later but they're only 15 minutes apart. So around 8 they saw I hadn't progressed and said to walk around for an hour and if I didn't progressed everyone induce me she was the last thing I wanted. so I didn't progressed after the walk so I got induced around 230pm I was only 3 cm and the around the same time I decided to get an epidural and opted out of doing natural as I really wanted to do. So around 4 my boyfriend left change real quick. And at that time I was 4 centimeters so around 6:30 I found out I was five and a half centimeters. And had texted one of my boyfriend's friends to hurry up and come back because I was progressing faster. around 8:30 my boyfriend was on his way but not had yet arrived at the hospital. and the nurse had noticed that the baby's heart rate kept dipping and so they had another person check behind her and found that I was 9.5 cm. I had got my mom to call my boyfriend to tell him to hurry up and get here that I was about to have the baby and she said she left a voicemail. What a bad time to not answer because he does not check voicemails. So later that night he told me that when he had arrived at the hospital parking lot that his friend told him that he has a feeling that I was about to have this baby and he was like no she's probably not she probably having him in the morning cause things were slow. Soon as he walks in I t

ll him it's time to have the baby. I gave birth within 10 minutes and 6 pushes. He almost missed the birth of his son. He made it in the nick of time and I'm so happy he did. I gave birth 8:56 p.m. on 8-5-17 to a good baby boy. His nickname is DJ, he's named after his dad 😊😊.

him now😊😊😊. btw I'm we are both first time partners so it just makes this experience even more wonderful!