It's happening!


Todays the day! Came into the hospital at 9:30 last night to be induced at 41 weeks. Got it fully started at 2:30! Scared, nervous and happy at the same time! 😊 Update: Officially have been in labor for 32 hours and finally just not getting somewhere. Got here at 9:30 Sinday night, had trouble keeping the baby I'm the monitor which resulted in me not getting the pull inserted til 2. Long story short, 2 pills and 10 hours later I had only dialed 1 cm and barely softened so they gave me a thing called Cervidil that stays in for 12 hours to help soften. They just took that out and I'm 2 cm. Dialed after this long. So my doctor will be in here in about 2 hours to check me again and break my water... My Baby is not abiding by her eviction notice haha