Need opinions!!!

Hi, I need opinions on a thing I really can't understand.

My (ex)boyfriend broke up with me 6 days ago, saying that we argued too much and that our personalities are opponents, that he hopes we'll meet again since this relationship of over one year was really important for him (bear in mind that we were long distance, so there's no chance of meeting him randomly) and that I won't hate him.

So, he made an Instagram account 5/6 months ago on which he never posted anything, he only used it to see the photos I took while living abroad for a period, and the ONLY person he followed was me. He then deleted it since he didn't use it, and re-used it before leaving me when he thought I was cheating (I didn't, only went out with two male friends and he was jealous of one of them because I had a crush on him several years ago, way before being with my boyfriend). I thought he deleted it again.

Well yesterday I posted an Instagram story and after a few hours I notice he had seen it. I go on his profile and see that the only person he's following is still me.

What does this mean? He broke up with me but he still only follows my profile?

Two friends we have in common said they're sure that when he'll be back from holiday with his family he'll come back to me... I don't know what to think, but if two people that know our relationship think this maybe it means something?