Being overdue is not easy


I remember watching Friends and being like "come on Rachel, so you're a few days past your due date, you know she'll be here soon! Enjoy your last few days of me time!" and now that I've literally had someone say those words to me, I want to go back in time and slap my insensitive past self right in the face. My due date was only yesterday. I spent most of the day sleeping or crying out of frustration. Today I woke up SO irritable. I am only one day overdue for crying out loud. But it has now been 248 freaking days since I saw that positive test. I did not mentally prepare myself for MORE waiting after that! I'm so sick of being in pain, being anxious about giving birth, and mostly just so sick of not having my little boy in my arms. So to Rachel I would just like to say I am so sorry. To everyone else who is with me (or past me) I. FEEL. YOU.