Baby movements


I know babies are suppose to kick certain amount of times in an hour, but how many? I feel like the further I get along my baby girl kicks are fewer each day. Sometimes i have to bounce a little to get her to kick and make sure she's ok. I only have 11 days till my c section, is it normal for babies to move less when they get further along? I go to the doctor tomorrow but I want to get opinions from other mommies! Thank you!

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I think that they run out of room in the last weeks? My baby's not moving the same way but she's still very active. I think there's some guidelines about 10 kicks within an hour or two, during the time of day when they're most active. Drink ice cold water and sit still while you count.But trust your instincts. If you feel like something's wrong, def call your doctor!


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So after going to L&D; twice for reduced movement, this is what I was told-At this point in my pregnancy (38weeks +2days) baby has run out of room. His kicks and movements are softer. Making it harder for me to detect. I do kick counts. Lay on my left side, start the clock for an hour and count how many movements I can feel. 10 is the goal.


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My baby moved to back up head down so it's harder to feel. Trust your instincts. I know I can't feel mine as much but drinking ice water sure gets it wiggling.


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They're bigger now so you should mostly be feeling stretches rather than kicks ! I've noticed baby girl isn't quite as active either. But when she is, oh she makes it known! 😒😂