Travel to Bahamas

Jessica • Married 2015. 👼 7.14.17 / 🌈 👶🏻 💙 2/27/19! “We prayed. God answered!”

Just had a miscarriage on July 14 :-( Am now waiting until my cycles reset before trying again (Doctor's orders). I'm now supposed to stand up in a wedding in mid November in the Bahamas. I know it's safe to vacation there but being pregnant or TTC comes with a different set of rules and precautions. It's physically impossible at this point for me to even be more than a few weeks pregnant if we decide to try again after my cycle gets back on track (still haven't had a period yet post D&C; but it's due this week). I guess what I'm asking is what's the deal with Zika? My doctor seemed clueless and I've been getting mixed info from my research and others I talk to. What a crappy situation to be put in - delaying pregnancy even more for a best friend's wedding. I'm so stressed out about this and don't know what to do anymore.