Not sure if he's cheating

My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year and a half, we live together and have for the majority of the relationship. We both work a ton of hours and I go to school full time on top of that.

A few months ago I caught him and a coworker of his flirting on Facebook. She was asking to send him dirty pictures and he didn't say no or stop her. I confronted him and have been suspicious of them ever since but I never told anyone. I didn't want to drag our life out for everyone to judge.

Recently, my mom started working at the same place as him just on a different shift. Since her first day coworkers have been telling her that he and the girl that messaged him had been sleeping around together behind my back. They said that they would sneak off for twenty minutes of more sporadically and then come out of an empty room together. Another coworker said she caught them kissing but that they haven't fooled around since July.

I had a miscarriage back in march and we have been a little rocky ever since, and apparently this is around the same time they started sleeping together.

However, since I found out I have seen all of his messages from everyone, he never hides his phone or Facebook from me and I don't ask to look.

I confronted him today asking if it was true and what happened. He said nothing ever happened besides the messages. He said she was his only coworker he really got along with so of course they would help each other and that his job is just full of drama. And he admitted that a friend of his asked him if he was cheating and told him to stop talking to her because she was saying they were sleeping together. His mother, who works the same shift as him, even asked if they had a thing going between them. He denied all of it, but admitted that he did at some point find her attractive but he still loves me and wouldn't cheat.

My problem is this: Some of the times that people are saying it happened line up with times he would not answer the phone for a few hours or times he would take trips alone somewhere. Normally he tells me everything and messages me from dusk til dawn because we don't see one another very often with our schedules except to sleep. I worry because I have been cheated on before and I know that she has tried to get him to sleep with her since I saw those messages.

I need to know if I'm overreacting or if maybe my hunch is right, if it sounds shady or what because I love this man more than anything but I don't deserve to be cheated one. I could really use some sage advice! Thank you!

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Trust your gut. If it were me I'd be thinking he was cheating. I don't think you're overreacting.


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I agree trust your gut feeling ... If be loves you he would of checked her and told her that I have a lady and you are trippen if you think I would ever send u a pic like that... Let his ass go ...


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From someone whose been cheated on without deserving it "MY HUNCH" was right he was cheating (btw he's the father of MY ONLY son) not just that he gave his number to a girl he met at a 99 cent store (now they have 2 children together) I always say always go with that "gut feeling" but then again only you would know YOUR relationship with this man. Your not overreacting because sometimes those "comments" made by people are just made up they can literally be true or false . Only one knows . Sorry your going through this hope everything works out and hope he's not doing what is being said .


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