The nightmare continues 😢

Vero • Mom of a 3y old princess 👧🏻💖 • Our rainbow baby 🌈 due 6/03/18

I don't understand why this keep happening to me.. i just want a buddy for my 3y old princess.

I got pregnant last year in Sept. after 9 weeks i had a D&C; .. baby stopped growing at 5-6 weeks. I waited 3 months.. end of January chemical pregnancy... i stayed strong... start ttc in April... i was pregnant again!!! This time we saw and heard the hb at 7 weeks... but this angel too stopped growing.. again a D&C; in June 8... after 2 cycli of 25 days I was expecting my period around the 22.. just felt mild cramps about 2 weeks long... yesterday i only had a few drops of brownish blood.. i was ilke wth... still a few drops... no normal period

i tool several tests.. all of them negative

please Lord.. I can't handle it anymore... am I loosing an angel for the 4th time???! what's going on? please help me 😭😪