suicidal ex boyfriend, am I wrong ?


I was in a relationship with a guy for about 6 months but we knew each other for about a year. Christmas of 16' he decided to propose to me and I told him NUMEROUS of times that I wasn't ready and because I was leaving Jan 11 ' 2017 to go to Basic Combat Training..

During our whole relationship I felt as if everything was moving too fast for me. I just got out of a 5 year relationship.. a year prior to meeting him so I felt as if I was still recovering.

A month into us " talking " he told me he loved me and I BARELY even liked him so I never said it back.. he was new to my city because he was a fresh marine with no friends, and no family. I felt bad for him so I I was his friend.. showing him around but I never really showed interests ya know ? We continued to hang out and stuff and he asked me EVERY TIME I saw him to be his girlfriend but I kindly declined.. this went on for about 6 months.. & I told him to try talking to other girls because I'm not ready.. but he never did so eventually after 6 months of him asking me to be his girlfriend I finally said yes because I felt bad.. he acted like he was so in love..

okay, now fast forwarding back to Christmas Day when he proposed.. This is where I fucked up BIG TIME.. but again, it was out of pity and I felt bad.. so after I told him numerous of times that I wasn't ready and didn't wanna get married also my parents told him not to do it either bc they knew how I felt .. yet he still decided to propose and I only said yes because I didn't want to embarrass him in front of everybody but immediately after.. I pulled him to the side and question his purpose of doing that after what we talked about.. & he said " I felt as if It was right, i really love you " .. so I ended up leaving to BCT and I wrote him letters and stuff.. but he NEVER once responded to me so I thought " Jee, he's probably moving/moved on " so that made me happy, I wasn't tripping because it's what I wanted.. so when I graduated he showed up .. as a surprise and I wasn't happy to see him at all..

fast forward fast forward .. we ended up calling it quits completely.. it's been about 5 months.. I'm stationed here in Hawaii, and he's stationed in San Diego. One night he calls me with a girl over and I really didn't know his purpose lol but.. then that Monday he calls me asking me " how do I get rid of a hickey? And I think I'm finally getting over you because I had sex with that girl that was there when I called you " and I'm like .. still.. what is your purpose ? Am I supposed to be hurt ? 🤔😂 but anyways, I told him Irdc.. he's a free man.. i started talking to this guy.. it's been about 3 months .. we are dating now and I'm actually very happy .. but my ex watches my snap stories and tells me " I can't take it, I'm going to kill myself, how could you move on ? " and bullshit like this.. so you know what we are both military and I reached out to his chain of command and told them that their Marine is suicidal.. I didn't wanna get in trouble if he actually did kill himself and I knew and didn't do anything about it.. 😐 am I wrong ? I don't know what else to do man.