Cutting down on breastfeeding...


I need some help, my daughter is EBF I did try and get her to take the bottle but she just never took to the idea of anything but my breast.

She does drink water from her sippy cup, but not milk (breast milk or formula) I am going to be returning to work, in addition to studying once she is 1.

She is very sensitive to change so I wanted to gradually build in a way where she would drink milk from something other than me. Any ideas?

I do plan to keep feeding her atleast untill she is 1, but because I know how sensitive she is to change I wanted to get her used to small feeds and build it up.

Please help, I have got alsorts of sippy cups, straw cup, doidy cups bottles etc. nothing is working when it comes to her milk. X

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My LO had bottle refusal for awhile as well! I ended up trying a bunch of different nipples and finally found one she would take. It's the Nuk Simply Natural bottle with medium flow nipple. I give her about 2oz from my freezer stash every other day to keep her practicing with it. Good luck!


Saiba • Aug 29, 2017
Honestly I think I have spent so much money on every bottle I could get my hands on, she is very fussy. I have been told now she is 6 months to move on to a sippy cup but nothing is making a break.