Rainbow after miscarriage

Anjelica • Mommy of Nolan 👦🏻 Audrey 👧🏼 and soon to be Charlie 👶🏼10/7/2020

Today after what felt like an eternity, I peed on that stick and got the answer to all my hopes and prayers!

I miscarried at 12 weeks (baby was developed to around 9 weeks) on May 12, 2017. I did it natural and at home, I'm not gonna lie it was the most horrific week of my life start to finish. I cried for weeks after and searching for a story like I'm writing currently. I did learn a few things my first pregnancy, 1. That I'm a negative blood type B- which requires a shot during pregnancy (typically not your first until 28 weeks) that protects my blood cells and my babies from attacking eachother. I received it while I miscarried to protect my future pregnancies and myself. 2. I learned how strong I am, that god has a plan and we never truly understand, but when I saw what came out of me....I felt truly human. 3. Talk about it, miscarriages happen! Don't let that take away any excitement from your next pregnancy.

I'm 25 just turned it and probably made this baby during my birthday lol.

Things I did,

I waited the two months to heal. I took a prenatal almost everyday from week after miscarriage to current. I took good ones with a high amount of folate. ( better than folic acid).

I used glow and clear blue digital ovulation.

We had sex a lot lol! So just keep it fun.

Do not stress yourself out!

I can keep any of you interested updated as I once again dive back in. No matter what it's all worth it. Baby dust and prayers to all! Xoxoxo #gomakethatrainbowbaby