trying for a baby but I'm worried it's not what he actually wants

so me and my boyfriend are trying for a baby and like usual we have a little conversation before we go to sleep ( I can't sleep now cause of this conversation) we both really want a baby and he recently found a lump and he's worried that this could be the only chance we could get. I am fully supportive for him and he knows I will be there no matter what. But anyways, I asked him if "when we find out if it is all okay, would we keep trying?" And he said that if it is all okay then we should probably wait a bit longer cause were not in the best financial situation. I understood that but because we've been having sex for 3 weeks now with out any protection and he has been leaving it inside and my period is late by 9 days, i am testing tomorrow!! I asked him what would happen then if I was pregnant and he was all clear from the lump. he said then we'd have to make a decision... I told him that I personally don't want to have a abortion. ( not gonna judge anyone that has, I just don't think I could go through it) so obviously the whole financial thing came up and then he brought up adoption... at this point I was almost I'm tears because I was just starting to feel like the only reason he decided he's liked a baby now is cause there's a chance he might not be able to. I have asked him lots of times if he was sure as I don't want him to think it was a mistake in the future or ruin his life. so I asked him again and he then went on about how he would there to support me no matter what and that he loved me and I'm just so confused by it all, like what do I even try to say??