Why I will not breastfeed in a bathroom, or be ashamed to feed my child.


Please read at least the first four before commenting.

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Posted at
I can't believe someone actually compared breastfeeding a child to getting a blowjob. This is why we can't have nice things.


Mi • Aug 30, 2017
just like Ky said-- you have all of CC rooting for You ❤💙


Melanin Monroe💅🏾💅🏾 • Aug 30, 2017
U seriously have all of CC rooting for you!!


The Grinch • Aug 30, 2017
Omg that was not intentional


Posted at
I wouldn't leave small children around someone who equates nursing their baby with giving a blow job. Frightening.
I wouldn't leave small children around someone who equates nursing their baby with giving a blow job. Frightening.


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"Feed my wife" 🤢
"Feed my wife" 🤢


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Hell, I refuse to even nurse this baby in our churches nursery. Here are some reasons why:Smells like shit. NO ONE CLEANS IT.It's dirty. Basically the bathroom.Dirty diapers 🤢You can't hear the message like why go to church if I have to sit in a different room and breastfeed? Nah man. Ima wear one of those stealthy as hell nursing shirts and get a baby blanket out and Ima listen to the word of god and not feel like crap because if breast milk was good enough FOR THE ACTUAL SON OF GOD, why are Christians so "ew no do that somewhere else not in this holy place" like?? Y'all?? Really? I'm going to feed my baby at family functions. I shouldn't have to pump for an extra 30 minutes to make sure I have enough to bring and worry about heating it or anything like that, or it going bad when HELLO it's right there in my breast already warmed to perfection.I'm going to feed my baby in public restaurants. Why? Because just like how I'm there eating. My baby should be allowed to as well.Y'all this is STUPID I'm so sick of this. And if anyone, including church people, tell me to breastfeed elsewhere because "the husbands and children" IM GOING TO THROW DOWN! People will NEVER LEARN until we say "hey, fuck you. My baby eating isn't porn. It isn't gross. It isn't unsanitary. So take your nasty ass perverted self away from me 🤷🏻‍♀️"


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Posted at
Yes!! I have nothing else to add. This sums it up perfectly. 👌
Yes!! I have nothing else to add. This sums it up perfectly. 👌


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As much as I'm a public breastfeeding warrior...can we limit these posts to 1 per month?We have had like 6 in the last few days.At this point it's just beating a dead horse!


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Public bathrooms are unsanitary as fuck I wouldn't want my newborn anywhere near them


Grey • Aug 30, 2017
**still breastfeeds


Grey • Aug 30, 2017
Newborn was used loosely, I wouldn't take my child that's till breastfeeds into a public bathroom


KK • Aug 30, 2017
Doctors recommend you not take your baby out in crowded areas in their newborn stage so really at that stage you shouldn't be out and about. But everyone is different. Some people follow the rules to a T others follow it loosely and others don't follow it at all


Posted at
I don't breast feed my babies (planned too, had complications) but I support breast feeding in public 100% and here is why. I get so pissed at the fact that we see boobs everywhere nowadays. We use them to sell burgers, cars, etc. Nowadays finding a movie or a music video that isn't PG without boobs in it is like pulling teeth. Its honestly annoying how nudity is littered in everything now. Girls can walk around with shirts on so low cut when they bend over you can see there tits, but the minute a mother starts breast feeding her baby now everyone wants to say boobs are gross and should be put away. Fuck that logic. Bet you the dude eating his food wouldn't have been grossed out if some bimbo walked up and sat in front of him with her tits nearly out would he. Hell no he wouldn't. How have people forgotten what boobs purpose is? The only reason we have them is to breast feed. It's probably for the best i don't breastfeed because I would dare some bitch or some asshole to tell me I need to breast feed else where. Wouldn't be having that 😒😒


Posted at
I wont be breastfeeding in a dirty washroom and u can't make me