Originally went on birth control to regulate my periods - anyone else?


About 3-4 years ago, I went in to see my gynecologist for the first time and admitted to having irregular periods - skipping months at a time - so we both agreed both control would help with regulating it, she also noted it'd make for a decrease in cervical cancer risks due to build up.

I'm pretty fine with having birth control in the long run, I'm using NuvaRing and its been a general relief. However, I'm wondering 2 things and thought to reach out to others on this forum:

1) who else has been put on birth control mostly to help regulate your periods?

2) would this potentially be something to worry about when I eventually decide to have children? Could the irregular periods have been a sign of infertility? I know someone told me a while back if that was the case, the birth control might make a difference?

I'll also make a note to ask my gynecologist when I see her in a few months. Thank you!