I got called a fat ass bitch....

Today I got called a fat ass bitch on facebook. For stating my opinion. And it hurt. I can handle words like bitch,cunt, etc. But I can't stand the word Fat. I know it sounds werid. But it tares me down when I get called fat. Or told I'm over weight. Yes, I am over weight. No I was never this big, believe it or not I was actually pretty little in high school. I used to do drugs and party in high school so I was of course little. But then I met my husband and I quit everything. I was happy, still am happy and I gained alot of weight. My husband tells me I'm beautiful, and I'm gorgeous the way I am. But I don't feel like it. I

feel gross and I'm ashamed of myself for letting me get so big. I hate that I can't wear cute clothes, hate that I feel so gross about myself. But I have no motivation. I will sit, cry and eat. I will talk about how I want to loose weight it is never do it. I will do workouts for a day and brush it off the next day. I'm coming here for advice. Please no rude comments, I'm just looking for help. 😔

Me in highschool. My dress is flowy so it's hard to see my actual body weight. It was the only picture I could find.

Me now.