I don't want my mother in law to be in my children's lives... am I wrong?


Me and my fiancé used to live with my mother in law because we are saving for a house so we figured if we rented the guest bedroom we would be saving big time instead of renting an expensive apartment (We live in Austin,Texas the cost of living is outrageous here). Unfortunately she invited us to a wedding in Mexico and like a good daughter in law I agreed to go. (Worst decision I've ever made in my entire life) fast forward to the night of my fiancés cousins wedding (his mom drove us and she was our only ride there and back mind you!) everything was going great my fiancé was drinking with his family that he hasn't seen in years. I let him know I was tired and so I left with his grandparents that night to their house to sleep. I told him it was fine that he stayed there, he was with his family right? What could go wrong? Well let me tell you! While I showered and fell asleep in the guest room of his grandparents house in Mexico my mother in law and my fiancé got into an argument and some drunk guy mistaking my mother in law for his gf?? Punched my fiancé in the face. So my fiancée uncles hold my fiancé back because they thought my fiancé punche the guy first (they were all extremely drunk from what I was told.) anywho I'm asleep at his grand parents house and I'm woken up to one of his aunts who came in the house in the middle of the night yelling "CRISTIANS WOMAN JUST HIT HIM IN THE HEAD WITH A BEER BOTTLE"

I got up out of bed so quickly and came outside and was like what're you talking about and she said "Oh!youre here? Everyone said you got in a fight with Cristian" 😑 I've been asleep this whole time how is that possible anyways!!! To sum all of this up his mom kicked us out of our house when we got back to Texas. I was extremely upset at my fiancé for calling his mother out of her name because his mother has boyfriends and he thought it was his moms lover that she slept with that punched him and we found it was a random drunk confused guy. Anyways, his mom kicked us out we had only 2 weeks to leave and if you're a reasonable adult you know the cost of living in Austin is high and apartments require applications, deposit and money that we weren't prepared on spending. 😔 I moved back in with my parents obviously he came with me. I still to this day (it's been 4 months since this happened) have been avoiding my mother in law. I'm sorry but she isn't a mother. I can't stand it. I understand when you're upset with your son slap him in the face and correct him but don't kick him out especially since without me. He wouldn't have ANY place to go! It's just sad and my fiancé wanted to make things right with his mom and invited her out to eat for Mother's Day. She said she was working but we saw on Facebook she had a spa trip with her nieces. I know we can't pick our parents we're born to love and honor them... but why is she like this? Why doesn't she care about him? Sometimes I watch my fiancé sleep.. or I look at pictures from when he was a toddler... or I listen to him tell me stories from when he had no shoes and was hungry at work and I want to cry. Who would harm a child and be so selfish and not care whether he has ate or not? Who would put the burden if watching over his younger brothers when he's a child himself? What kind of mother kicks their son out of the house? Correct me if I'm wrong or feel free to share your opinion because I feel wrong but I also feel right. I will keep my children away from my mother in law because I look at it like poison. Thank god i was brought up by respectful, honorable and responsible parents! Luckily I have both my mother and father in my life and they would never kick me out no matter how bad I've done because I am their daughter!!!! Am I wrong to feel this way?