I need advice ASAP. Please


So my daughters father and I share custody. It's equal and 50/50. From Friday to Friday she is with me and then vice versa so 7 days each. Well tonight I had to go and get my daughter from her gramma, because my daughters father got arrested. His girlfriend called the cops on him for chocking her. Alcohol was involved with my daughters father. I have asked on multiple occasions for him not to drink around her and I always got the run around of "okay" or "yeah yeah". So I was never sure if he was or wasn't drinking around her. When my daughters gramma got there she said my child was shaking and crying and screaming to the top of her lungs and also said my daughter saw all of it. Their place was destroyed and it looked like a tornado came threw. Remind you my daughter is almost 2.

My question is, since we share custody, is there any way I can get temp custody? I do NOT feel safe now with her going to her fathers. Please someone help me with advice. I live in Virginia