Opinions on NuvaRing


I was on the highest oestrogen dose BC pill from 17-21 to keep my skin clear and I have been off it now for about 5 months, my skin has got worse again but I feel better in general, my partner and I don't want any babies yet and I want to clear my skin up so I have just started the pill again with serious nausea and headaches. I'm thinking about getting the NuvaRing so I don't have to take the Pill which seems to just sit in my throat and kill my sex drive but I don't know if it will have the same effect because they're both hormone based? My Dr told me she has never heard of the patch which was my preference and she won't give me the bar because so many girls have negative experiences. Also not interested in the IUD. NuvaRing, stick it out with the pill or just rely on condoms?