

I see a lot of ladies on here posting pictures of their man or pictures of themselves barely clothed. do You ever ask your man if he's comfortable with you posting his picture on here? or if he's okay with you basically posting your nudes online. I know that it's not his place to tell you what to do and all that but there's a point where you have to take into consideration how the other person in the relationship might feel. you guys might forget but men also use this app so they can see what you post.

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Posted at
Sometimes I show him what pictures I post (mostly on facebook) his response: that's nice dear .😑 He legit couldn't care less. 😂


Posted at
You acting all judgy but don't you think most people know what their partner would like and hate you to do my partner loves me showing him offAll pictures I'd post is only what I'd post on other social media


Mendel • Aug 29, 2017
I'm trying to present it to u in a way that you can relate to so that you can understand the point that I'm trying to make. I'm not saying that you post those type of pictures on here. I'm trying to say that certain woman do and their SO probably wouldn't feel comfortable with that


Lau 🇬🇧 • Aug 29, 2017
Wasn't just what you see on here, yes I said what I would and wouldn't do because you made a point of saying 'how would your husband feel if you posted pictures bearing your breasts' that's not just saying what you see on here that's making point of what my partner would do


Mendel • Aug 29, 2017
im asking because that's something that other woman have done on here. I'm about speaking about things that I have seen on glow. you're speaking about what you would or wouldn't personally do. sometimes people do things and don't think twice about it. hopefully this post can bring attention to that and make them think.


Posted at
I won't post a picture of my husband without his approval, I know he's a very private person. And I've never had the desire to post a picture of myself with hardly any clothes. But if that ever changes, I'll check with him out of respect. That's just how our relationship works. Every relationship is different though, that's just how it works for us.


Posted at
I can see what you're saying about posting a pic of him. I'd be upset and embarrassed if my husband was posting my picture to a public forum. I'd never do that to him. If they tell their SO and they give permission, that's different.That being said, it's not the place of our significant others to tell us what we can and can't post of ourselves. No one is actually posting a nude on here. That isn't allowed. Since we are talking about normal selfies, if they had a problem with the picture then that's a huge red flag. I don't care if it shows cleavage. No one owns another person. We have body autonomy.


Ka • Aug 29, 2017
Exactly! It's just not a good idea overall lol


Mendel • Aug 29, 2017
and some of these women are lesbians so that's another thing.


Ka • Aug 29, 2017
Exactly! But even if it were a space that only women occupy, you don't know everyone on here lol like I don't know you. You could screenshot my photo and put it online 😂 not saying you would but I guarantee we have some women in here that would or do. And I wouldn't want my personal photos going around the internet.


Posted at
If I want to post a pussy pic, I'll post a pussy pic. My man doesn't own me.


Mendel • Aug 30, 2017
-_- yea okay


Posted at
I personally would never post any type of nude or half nude photo of myself anywhere on the internet. I rarely even post photos of me in a bikini at the beach. I work on social media and am fully aware of the weirdos out there. I respect myself and my marriage enough to not do that. As for photos of him, I occasionally share a photo or two of him on here but not often. It's nothing that I haven't already posted to Facebook so I know it's not a big deal. My husbands military and a police officer and since I work online, we discuss the use of social media on an almost weekly basis. I want to make sure I'm respecting his privacy and he can be a very private person sometimes. It's a safety thing in his mind because of his job. So this is a popular topic in our home.