IUI success rate?

I had been diagnosed with Unicorn Uterus (UU) through HSG after trying to conceive for months and multiple miscarriages; Prior to the UU diagnostic, I have almost a full term (36 weeks) healthy baby conceived naturally. I know time is ticking away for trying for a second one. My first pregnancy was normal and delivered via c-Sec. It's heart broken to not know more about UU treatment. The dye test could detect that my left ovary is not producing eggs, I am only releasing eggs on the right. I am set for this coming Thurs for another ultrasound to determine if I am ready to ovulate... The problem is that it has to be the right one otherwise I have to wait another month for the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. On top of that, my doctor told me that there's only 10% of chances for the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> to be successful.

I am literally in ocean of tears.... I keep asking myself if perhaps I am not meant to have a second baby.