So scared !!


Im 17 weeks pregnant And I live in Houston Texas and we've been having a serious storm since Friday , it landed as a category 4 hurricane just between San Antonio and Houston .Now it's turned into a major tropical storm that's been hovering over Houston since Saturday , the rain will not stop our city is quickly going completely under water :( so many rescues have been going on all u hear is helicopters and emergency response vehicles ! It's so crazy thank my lord and savior that our home is untouched for now , but I can't speak to soon another hurricane is starting to form , with rain expected to keep going until Thursday and all the reservoirs are to max capacity disaster is bound to happen! It sucks cause I can't do nothing but sit here and pray that our lord and savior keep his arms around us until the end .. please pray for Houston !! 🙏🏼🙏🏼😞😞😞
