I need some input from knowledgeable pumpers please!


hey! so this is my third baby, but first time pumping. my son is two and a half weeks and I decided to start pumping a couple times a week, just to have a little supply in the freezer. it would be great if this baby could take a bottle this time around- just so my husband could put him to bed once in a while, or I have my friends wedding coming up and it would be great to leave the kiddos with grandparents, things like that. Anyway, so I pumped yesterday morning and this morning and got 5oz each time. Is this too much? I just read that a typical feeding for them at this age is 2.5oz.... so I'm really taking a lot of milk from him! at that same time, the bottle fills super fast when I pump, so idk. I'm such an inexperienced pumper. I should have taken a class.