Dentist every 2 months starting at age 6 months til 3 years old?!


Okay so I've never heard of this. My son is now a year old, and we've been going to the dentist dutifully every 2 months as they've been recommending. (He didn't even get his first tooth until close to 10 months and now only has 3). I just called today because they've scheduled another dentist appointment just to ask why we were coming every two months and she said that because we're on Medicaid I have to bring my son in every 2 months until he's 3 years old even though every time we've gone in they have said that his teeth are in good shape and coming in perfectly. Frankly, I feel like this is something that they do with the Medicaid patients in order to get more money out of Medicaid because I've never heard of this frequency if there are no issues. Or maybe they just assume that kids on Medicaid are eating cheetos and drinking soda and are going to have teeth problems? No idea and I don't want to be noncompliant but I just feel like this is a little ridiculous, honestly. Has anyone else been taking their perfectly healthy child to the dentist this frequently?