Maybe it's me....the sex sucks.... 😢💔

My husband use to watch porn a lot before we started dating and then from what I could tell he either stopped or laid off of it a lot. He recently has picked it back up or started watching a lot more. Well, we just had sex and he told me sex with me isn't what he thought it would be and that it's not very good. I told him it's probably because he has hyped up what sex should be because if porn and he said no, I think it's just you because he got mad at me and then went to shower. I have also noticed that he doesn't look at me while we are having sex. His eyes stay shut almost the entire time. Once in a while he will open them and look at me and smile and then they are closed again. He also doesn't touch my body during, he just lats there. He doesn't even play with my boobs, and they are big nice ones. I think he is either picturing/imagining someone else or porn while we have sex. Maybe he is right... maybe it is me and I'm just not good.... 😢💔