Question concerning Provera and Clomid


Hi all! I tried calling my doctor's office, but they're off for lunch- so I figured I'd try to pick your brains.

My cycle is nearly a month late, and I didn't ovulate the prior month. So doctor put me on 10 days of Provera which I completed on Thursday last week. (So it's been 5 days as of today)

I had some red bleeding/spotty late Saturday night so I figured AF was going to start Sunday... then nothing. I've had some scant pink discharge, sore boobs, backaches, moody, like I would be before/during AF. But my cycles are normally heavy.

So is AF still probably on her way, or do you count the red spotting as the start of the cycle? I just don't want to mess up the timing with the Clomid since I'm supposed to start on CD 5!

Any help is appreciated! Never did I think while TTC that I'd be begging for that witch to show up- yet here I am!