Assistance question..

Sorry it's long I'm a FTM and I'm young.. I'll be 19 in 6 days.. my boyfriend is 24.

it was planned we've been trying since December. just not a planned when it happened lol. We had a stressful month and that's when we conceived we didn't even try just had sex that one time and boom.

Anyways.. I'm going to apply for food stamps, wic and Medicaid since we don't have a private insurance. (We make decent money just could use some extra help with groceries ya know..)

But I don't want them to go after him for child support, when we live together and have for almost 2 years. I've heard a couple different things from a couple different people. I've heard if we live together and have the same address they won't go after him for child support. And I've heard that even if we live together if we aren't married they will go after after him.

I'm just wondering if anyone knows how it works over in Michigan. If they will try to go after him even though we live together and he would support the baby if we applied for food stamps/wic/Medicaid?

I don't want any judging on how I'm asking for extra help. We are ready for a baby but groceries are expensive sometimes. And ill automatically get medicaid in Michigan because I'm pregnant. So I guess I'm more so asking for the food stamps and wic..