What is this?


Hello. So my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex yesterday and the day before. Before today, I took a shower and a bath. This morning I got up to use the restroom, and when I wiped this was all over the tissue. Does anyone know what this means or what it is? Also, I take birth control and I take it everyday. I take it at the same time everyday and have never missed one pill. Also, after me and my boyfriend had sex, I had some light bleeding. I wanna say it was because we hadn't had sex in a long time and he was a little rough. I know it's not my period cause my cycle ended on the 20th of this month. Can anyone help me with this? There is no smell at all and it's sort of a brownish color. You can't really see it on my underwear because it's black. My urine is the same color that it has always been to give you even more information.