TTC: my story @ 12 months.

emma🖤boy mom to two 👦🏼👶🏼💙

I just wanted to post my TTC story so far which to date has been 12 months ongoing.

I wanted to share this as I hope others will too in comments and see they are not alone if it takes them slightly longer than others.

So me and my partner were in Paris for my birthday in August 2016 which was when we had to the conversation to stop birth control - I was on the pill, the one which you didnt have a period with (I forget the name of it)

So we did, that day I stopped taking it. We were just having sex as and when we wanted not really <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> and what not, I recorded everything on here but didnt MAKE SURE we were having sex 7000 on our fertile week.

In January 2017 I was late on my period by 12 days and I was suppose to go out for a drink for my friends birthday so I checked before just incase and I got an ever so faint line. I had obviously never had a positive before so was sure the lighting was funny/ test was wrong but just to be sure a week later I bought a digital which came back and said pregnant 2-3 weeks!!!

I had a lot of emotion. Happy/scared/shocked/overwhelmed. We sorted docs out asap and had a date for my 12 week scan.

On March 10th we went for our 12 week scan. I felt unusually scared and kept saying 'what if nothings there' etc etc and was of course shut up and told not to worry.

So we got into the scan and the lady started I knew within 10 seconds something was wrong, she was digging in deep on my tummy and moving it around rapidly trying to find my baby. Then the worst thing thats ever happened to us happened. She told us that my baby had been found but had no heartbeat. I'd had a missed miscarriage. It was just awful. we cried and cried went home and cried some more. That day that we were suppose to see our baby for the first time and moving and instead - this.

The following monday we went back to hosp and I had to have a medically managed miscarriage- a pill inserted vaginally which starts the motion of miscarriage so your body realises whats happened and removes it by bleeding out. That process took just over 3 weeks of pain physically and emotionally.

My first period came back 6 weeks after and we agreed we would try again.

It is now August 2017. We still arent pregnant again even though I track and try a bit harder than we did before the loss.

We know it will happen when it is ready but after having a loss we feel we want it that little bit more. However frustrated and worried and sad we are every month when AF appears we are hopeful that it will happen again soon for us.

I just thought i'd share my TTC journey so far which overall has been a year.

I would love others to share their TTC stories in the comments and share your progress/successes/losses and help one and other.

Thank you for reading, last but not least BABYDUST TO YOU ALL✨✨✨✨✨✨✨💞