Almost pos OPK at 10 DPO?

Going to try to make this as short as possible! Any opinions are appreciated, just so confused. 😔

So, I tried to use OPKs this cycle as my periods can be irregular (usually 26-32 days in length) and I'm not sure if/when I'm ovulating. I wasn't as dedicated to taking a test each day as I'd like to be in the future and took maybe 6 or so first thing in the morning from between cd 10-16. I never got a positive on my OPK, it was always either very faint or half as dark as the test line so we literally just BD'd every other day.

Today, I am (assumingely) 10 DPO/CD 25 and the huge noticeable difference is in my normal PMS is that my breasts aren't sore (they normally hurt from O to end of AF). Horrible back pain 6-9 DPO and light fluttery cramps that feel like pressure since 6 DPO, horrible and really rare huge pimples, not really as tired as I usually am before AF but, I'm having the craziest dreams.

I know it's pretty early but, I tested today and first accidentally ripped open and dipped an OPK. 😑 Realized the mistake, dipped HPT instead. No noticeable line on the HPT but my OPK was pretty dark (darker than I've previously seen on them this cycle) but isn't it crazy late to be close to O again? I'm not quite late just yet but my cycle has never been later than 32 days and O'ing now would be weird right?

Unless the one today isn't any darker than past tests and I'm just losing my mind. Has this ever happened to anyone?

In the photo all photos to the left were taken cd 10-16 when I tested in order, the last one on the right was today.