Okay check it out

So I had sex with this guy that I've been talking to for a little while, we're not necessarily dating nor is he my boyfriend. It was one of those "come over and lets Netflix and chill" kind of moments. So the sex was eh, like wasn't the best I ever had, but wasn't terrible either. And I mean I know your first time with someone new is always going to be a little awkward and different. Also there wasn't much foreplay so when we finally got down to actually having sex, I wasn't as turned on, so I was kind of dry for the duration of it. My vagina hurt so bad the next day lol. But tell me why I can't stop thinking about it. Like not in a bad way, it's just like I keep replaying it my head, everything we did and I keep thinking "god did I do okay?" "Did he hate it?" "Did he think I was terrible?" "What about when I did this, did he like that?"

And then I go to a place where i wonder if he's thinking the same thing, like "did she think i sucked, did she like when I did this or that, is she going to text me,"

And it's so unnecessary I know i shouldn't even be thinking like this. I've only been with 2 other guys so this makes him number 3. And I just want to clarify that I don't necessarily have feelings for this guy just yet, like I said we only barely started talking, let alone hanging out. And the first time I hung out with him which was about a month ago, we literally just watched Netflix, he didn't even try to kiss me. And then couple days ago is when we actually had sex.

Anyway, I just feel like I was extremely awkward the entire time we were hanging out that night and during the sex in general idk. Any advice on how I can just let it go and stop over analyzing everything?