
Okay guys. This isn't about periods, or sex, or getting pregnant, or my boyfriend. This is about a personal issue I have been battling myself about and would like to hear anyone's opinion.

A few weeks ago my 3 little sisters were taken from my biological dad. (Whom I don't speak to often just to get my sisters, who I can't stand for various reasons one being he was never there for me). He is on drugs and was doing a lot of stuff that I don't want to get fully into detail about. But my mom and a few other family members I have think I should call DHS on the people the children are living with now. Long story short, DHS put them in a home with more drug addicts, where there is not a bed for every child, and they don't have a working vehicle. BUT here's where I don't know what to do. I want to call. I want to call and report them and then take my sisters away from my dad forever but I don't know how to speak to DHS. I have written out a page full of what I want to say and talk about but if I read it straight off of the paper they're going to be able to tell I'm reading it. But if I don't read it I'll forget my main points and the things that should be said. I've cried and cried and cried about this and time will not make anything better and I just want my sisters safe with me and to have a better life. My mom thinks I should just say it from the heart and whatever comes out, comes out. But I want everything to be said!! What should I do, say, how should I speak with DHS?

NO, THE CHILDREN DO NOT BELONG TO MY MOTHER WE HAVE THE SAME DAD AND TWO DIFFERENT MOMS. I am 16 about to turn 17 so I wouldn't legally be able to get them on my own until I am 18 but my mom could get them.