Feeling lonely.

Today I took my son to the park and there was a group of mom friends all hanging out and I was just sitting by myself. This feeling really hit me when I threw a birthday party for my son and only a few of my husband's work friends showed up. I felt like a failure because I don't really have any friends.We've moved around so much and we've been in this most recent place for three years now, but I haven't really made any friends. I've tried but now I've honestly given up. Dealing with so many family problems has kind of affected my social life and I'm just tired of being everyone's go to for all their problems. I don't really go out much anymore and when I do because of hubby's work friends I just feel awkward and I honestly feel like no one really wants to talk to me. I don't know how to get out of this feeling, I don't know how to make friends anymore. I just feel alone and I have no one to talk to. I don't really want to talk to my husband about it because he'll just do the man thing of trying to fix it by planning more get together.