Old guy friend crossing the line

Long story short I had this guy friend in middle school, we stopped talking because it turned out he liked me but I liked someone else.......after that we completely stopped talking and now it's almost ten years later and he added me on Facebook and Snapchat, no big deal because I was always curious on how he was doing. We'd talk here and there but nothing long or personal and he knows I'm in a long committed relationship. Well first he started sending me videos of blowing me kisses then called me boo.....I tried to brush it off thinking he was just trying to be funny but then today he says "I've wanted you to ride my face since 6th grade". I was shocked and honestly mad because I felt disrespected. I told him "😐 that's not cool....." thinking he'd get the hint or apologize but he just sent a happy face after that. Now I don't even want to talk to him. I can't even tell my hubby because he'd go crazy. What do I tell the guy? I'm not that good with sticking up for myself 🤷🏼‍♀️