Delivered my perfect, beautiful Maya Yvonne today

Delivered my perfect, beautiful Maya Yvonne today. I was scheduled for an inducement on Wednesday but Maya had other plans in mind. I woke up at 3am this morning with contractions that were about 10 minutes apart. Got up and walked around but was able to eventually go back to sleep. I had a doctors appointment at 10:45 am where the doctor confirmed that I was 3 cm dilated and in a great place to be induced tomorrow. She did warn me that my baby may come earlier though. The contractions started again on the ride home from the doctors office. I labored at home from about 1pm until 4:30pm which is when my water broke and contractions were coming strong about 2 minutes apart. I could feel Maya moving down the birth canal. I got my partner up (he was napping!) and was like it's time! AWe gotta go! We got to the hospital and I wanted to push so bad. They let me go the bathroom and I almost pushed her out on the pot. The nurses rescued me from the bathroom where I announced that I really felt like I needed to push. They hurried me to a room and after maybe 6-7 good pushes (no meds or drugs, all natural. She was coming so fast there was no time to do anything but push out a baby) Miss Maya came out. Perfect baby! I'm doing well too. Happy and relieved that she came on her own without the need to be induced. I'm amazed that I was able to do it with no meds. I feel truly blessed that my first baby came out right on time. Will follow with a picture when we get settled in the postpartum room.