I can't stand my MOM!

So I'm 25, married, and have two children. We are currently living with my parents and my sisters ages 19 & 4. My husband and I have always worked to save up money until after we had our baby. We want to hurry and get back up on our feet to get the hell out. We live in the basement pay rent, buy food, and I watch over my baby sister. And I feel as though I'm doing everything in this house. I know I live here and I'm not working because I'm raising our baby and he's exclusively breastfed. But it's so stressful because nobody washes their own dishes or pick up after themselves so I'm picking up after 8 people not to mention I'm the only one who cooks too! My mom barely got a job and she's to lazy to even cook for my dad. But no when I cook she serves herself two plates. She's constantly putting me down, always picking on my daughter (6 years old) and doesn't say anything to my sister when she fights with my daughter, for example: if my daughter has her toys out she expects my daughter to share with my sister but when my sister has hers out she won't share her toys with my daughter and my mom yells at my daughter to give it back to her. 🙄 also, my other sister who is 19 is in college studying for her RN, well she's always so proud of her and constantly praising her in front of me on purpose. I'm thinking of going back to school next year in the Fall and all she says is "For what? You already have two kids" she's so discouraging and I swear she hates me. And it hurts my feelings that she acts this way. I can never reason with her. I want to leave but right now we are so broke because my husband got laid off for a couple of months and just started working again. I need prayers please! I'm just a mess right now I hate my life and feel like a failure and I feel like my mom is enjoying it. But once I do get back on my feet I just want to move away and not have any connection with her even though that's kind of impossible I wished we had a good relationship but she just hates my guts :-(