Clayton Nicholas 8/17/17


After totally believing that I'd be overdue (because I'm a FTM), my water broke when I was exactly 39 weeks but I wasn't having contractions so I knew it'd be a while until he made his appearance. We got to the hospital at 830 on 8/16/17 and got admitted. I labored naturally for a few hours but wasn't progressing past 1 cm. We started pitocin at 3am and things started moving. The contractions were strong within the next few hours... not beyond painful like I thought but definitely uncomfortable and difficult to keep going. I got the epidural around 8am and that was AMAZING. I was able to nap and my body took over. At 2:30 I was at 10cm and we waited for my doctor to get out of surgery to start pushing. I started pushing at 2:50 and he was born at 3:33pm on 8/17/17. Definitely a different experience than I was expecting but I am so grateful. My little man was born at 39+1 weighing 7 lbs 6 oz and 20.5 in long.

It has taken me 2 weeks to get around to writing this because not only am I obsessed wth him, but breastfeeding has been HARD. Hopefully we get it all figured out but if not I'm just happy to have my little guy here.