Cramps and yucky discharge

Mol💓 • 💗💓💘💓💗

Okay so basically I skipped my period this month by taking my two pills back to back, I know it's not the best thing to do but at the time I was at a festival, and then as soon as I got back from that I was going away for a week again and didn't want to have to worry about my period coming whilst I was away. I've never actually done this before, and I don't think I'll do it again because ever since I have had the WORST cramps imaginable, I have some horrible discharge and my stomach has bloated so badly (like it would if I was on my period) I was just wondering what I should do? I've been to the doctors and they think that I might have a bladder infection again (sadly I suffer from them quite often) and they've found blood in my urine so they've sent it off to the lab to check it. Has this ever happened to anyone else that's taken their two packs of pills back to back?? Please let me know because I am feeling so uncomfortable and i don't know what to do😩🤦🏼‍♀️