
Okay with our first baby we tried for 8 months before conceiving. On month 8 I used clear blue advanced opks. I had 2 days of ⭕️ then 3 days flashing 🙂 before getting my solid 🙂 and got pregnant that month. We are trying for baby number 2 and I just finished my last cycle of bc August 12 and had my "period" or placebo pills aug 13-19. I decided to use clear blue advanced opks this month to see if I'm even ovulating. Started taking them aug 24 and got 2 ⭕️ in a row followed by 5, COUNT THEM 5 flashing smiley faces for the next 5 days. Is it possible I missed my ovulation, or I'm just not ovulating this month? I know I ovulate really late, or at least I use to when I was trying to conceive on our first but I'm on cycle day 18 now ( if you count my light period starting the week of my placebo pills) and that's pretty late! Has anyone gotten this many flashing smileys and still got a solid smiley?? Help!!!!