Having a hard time trusting him with his night shift...

My bf works night shifts as a truck driver and recently he switched to a different branch and I noticed he started wearing cologne to work. I asked him why he was wearing cologne and he said he wanted to smell nice because he sweats and works hard. But he never wore cologne before switching to the new branch so that seemed like bs. But he stopped wearing it because I said something. He has also recently been shaving right before work, I never noticed him looking or smelling so nice before work before. He told me he wants to look "presentable" and "professional" for his new boss but he's a f-ing truck driver, come on, I'm sure his boss doesn't give a single shit if he had a beard like tons of other guys do.

Sometimes at his work he will be on stand by, which means he drives there and then waits maybe hours until he is called to drive for work. I asked what he does in the meantime and he said he waits in the parking lot with a lot of other workers. He told me there are some girl workers there but he said "they also do paper work and that kind of stuff, it's lame." He assures me that he would never do anything wrong but I can't help but be a little paranoid. He did meet his ex gf at this type of job. This isn't a huge deal but I'm hoping someone can give me some good advice.