UPDATED: :Suicidal kid

So this guy that I know but am not close w/ at all, is super depressed. He made a rap video and put it on YouTube (he's popular and is good at singing and stuff so it got around, which is what he wanted btw) and it talk about how he almost drank bleach and it was about how his life sucked and he was depressed basically. Now this junior year his image has completely changed and I accidentally bumped him in the halls and he was so frickin different. He just looked like he was done w/ life, but literally. He just got back w/ his gf which is good for now. When they break up, which trust me they will cuz this girl is a botch, I think that might push him over the edge. Maybe even before they break up. But its not like I can say anything to anyone. It's not my business right? Like I haven't talked to him sense elementary school and we weren't even friends then. Any advice?

Update: I decided to reach out to one of his close friends and she told me that he is depressed and he went to a mental hospital early last year. I told her to watch out for him too and she said she is and all his friends are as well. I'm gonna guess that his family knows as well bc he went to a mental hospital already. And thanks for the advice guy :)