My husband is changing.

I'm 11 weeks pregnant and from the start my husband didn't want me to keep it. This was the deal I can only keep it if his sister could be around. Long story short she's not around my first baby for really bad reasons let's just say cops were always involved because she's on drugs and when my son visits she won't give him back and threatens me. Long story short I told him that I'm worried for my kids saftey she hasn't seen my son in 2 years because of the horrible things she's done to me and now my new baby has to be around no I put my foot down in the mother here me and you had sex to make this baby not her so therefore the baby is not for her. He then said before the baby comes I need to change my attitude with it or he's done. I'm not going to lie I'm upset we've been together for 6 years I gave his sister tons of chances guys every time my sons there with her cops have to be involved and "I'm about to get jumped" he then goes off about how she's changed which she hasn't their mom goes off about her so much it scares me because my children safety. I haven't left him because we live with my father I have no job because he wanted to have all the income to take care of us and my dad is leaving to be on his own in december. My husband and I are moving as well to a condo in November. If we do split he said I can have the apartment but for some odd reason I don't believe him I feel like he has a plan to leave me homeless and take my kids. I did try to get a job as a caregiver and I had to turn them down because my husband picked up another job at night thats making tons more money and he won't let me use the car. I don't know what to do anymore I'm so stuck I really need advice. How do I get out of this before things get worse.

- I am adopted so I have no family. And my adopted mom passed 4 years ago so any dad just wants his own place and wontlet me and my son stay.

- my son does have autism so I do have some income but it isn't enough I have been taking out200 each check but so far I only have 600 saved.

- my husband doesn't want to be in the delivery room because his sister cant see the baby