
Breast milk latching and producing started off well no pain and she would end up satisfied until the next feeding. Test results came back for high risk of jaundice and i was told to supplement formula while still breastfeeding. I did a few times and she ended up being low risk but she has been more fussy ever since and more hungry. Her latch is not good my breast have cracked and my nipples have little spots where they look like they are about to bust with blood and it hurts so bad when she latches on now on either breast and she automatically falls asleep on my breast after latching and wakes up hungry and just continues to do that and i know shes hungry and i want to get her back on to my breast now that its not needed. I also messed up giving her a pacifier in between feedings because she wouldnt stop crying no matter what i did. i have larger breast and this is day two for us so my milk has not come in just colosturm. Any advice pleassseee FTM