How would you feel?

Growing up I've always been thrifty. I grew up in a lower class home. My mom was a school teacher (& didn't make much) & my dad was in the military. We grew up in apartments until we moved into a house. It was a small one, but we were content & happy. We hardly ever ate out, traveled or shopped. We were happy with the little we had.

My husband on the other hand grew up in a middle class home. His mom was a nurse & his dad was an engineer. Needless to say he had a lot growing up. They lived in a 5 bedroom home in a suburban neighborhood, had annual family vacations, got everything he wanted & more. He was used to this kind of lifestyle.

Where am I getting at? You may be wondering... well, I just found out we are in debt. I've never been in debt before. Ive never been late for a payment. I've never owed anyone anything. I've always been thrifty with my spending. I've never been luxurious about anything although I always desired to have more. My husband handles all the money & payments, etc. We are currently 2 months behind in our mortgage. My husband has kept this from me. I have so much more to say about this... but how would you all feel?