Birth story ( kinda long)


He's finally here... exactly a week overdue but he's here...

So on 8/30 I had a doctors appointment to get checked to make sure my water wasn't leaking, everything came out negative so they sent me home... that was around 345 pm... around 5 or so I was sitting at my bfs house when I felt a gush, I went to the bathroom and I was leaking mucus again so I didn't think anything about it... fast forward to about 7 and I start having contractions... I time them and they are very inconsistent, so I go home...... they continue all night until around 9 when I call my doctor, she tells me to wait i until they are 2 minutes apart and last 1 minute... FINALLY around midnight they tell me to come on in, I get in there and they wanna test me to make sure my water didn't break, that test came back extremely positive (as the nurse said) so I got admitted... contractions continue all night, I walk and take a hot bath to try to speed things along.... around 5ish they decided to induce me since I was staying at a 2.... fast forward I finally get to 4cm and I'm able to get drugs to take edge off.... after that I get an epidural... it only works on my right side for a a couple of hours until finally we move on my right side and it finally takes affect on my left side... fast forward to 245 and I start to push! I only push until 310 when he finally arrives!

My chunky man! 9lb 4oz 20inches

He tore me just a little they said nothing really serious.

Baby and I are doing great, he's one of the calmest baby's I've seen in a long time, and I couldn't be anymore in love 💙💙