Diazepam is killing me

Back on prescribed pills because I have this anxiety disorder, I just can't handle things like every strong person can.

Anxiety is the worst thing! I don't wish to anyone! I want to hide under a rock!

My life is lonely, I don't have friends. My family judges me. I tried to commit suicide (twice). Life is worth shit.

I can't read people, and I take my time to meet people, I always help them and they never want to be my friends.

My boyfriends have being abusive

Even when I was 6 my father called us sluts, and said every woman a slut and we where going to be whores, loved by anyone. My mom said words have power!

They never let us had friends, my father usually called my school, high school and university to let their friends who where my teachers let me work alone.

I was raped and my mom said nobody was going to marry me.

Later on my two boyfriends cheated on me and where abusivo with me. My current boyfriend is cold and I will brake up with him.

I'm just getting colder